Organize Your Garage Storage for Winter

The State Fair is over, the kids are back in school, and we’ve detected a slight chill in the air. This can only mean one thing, fall is on its way and soon after that (too soon for many of us Minnesotans!), winter will arrive. Is your garage ready for winter? Is there space for your vehicles or are they currently relegated to the driveway to make way for summer projects, bikes and more? Is your snowblower within easy reach or is it buried behind the lawnmower and outdoor gear? Never fear, follow these 3 easy steps to ensure your garage is in order before the first snowflakes fall.
Step 1: Look for the signs
Looking at your garage thinking, ‘Maybe it’s not so bad?’. While having cars parked outside because there’s simply no space for them is an obvious sign that you need to take action, other signs are subtler. Outside of walking past your neighbors’ houses to peek in their open garages to compare, there is another way to determine if your garage could benefit from a garage storage makeover. Check out our blog, 5 Signs You Should Invest in Custom Garage Organization, for some simple signs that indicate clutter may be overtaking your garage. If two or more signs apply, you may want to consider a garage storage overhaul.
Step 2: Collect Garage Storage Ideas and Inspiration
Determined that your garage does indeed need some help? Time to research some ideas and inspiration! Sure, you can have someone out to design some custom storage or go buy a shelf at your neighborhood home store. However, we guarantee you’ll be much more satisfied with the end results if you begin by taking just a bit of time to see what’s out there, what features you like and what style you prefer. There are plenty of places to find ideas and inspiration like Pinterest and Houzz . You can even get started right now by checking out some of our other blogs featuring envy-inducing garage projects and features. See links below!
Sophisticated Garage Design with Gladiator
Step 3: Contact Closets For Life for your free garage storage consultation and design
Here’s the easiest step. Contact Closets for Life for a free consultation! We’ll come to your home, measure your garage, discuss your needs and wants, suggest ideas and, best of all, follow up in just a few days with a custom design specifically tailored to you – all free of charge. Expert design – quality craftsmanship – extraordinary customer service – it’s a win-win, especially for that car that may be currently exiled to your driveway!
Closets for Life is a custom organization company based in Minneapolis & St. Paul. Our company specializes in organization solutions for all areas of the home including garages, closets, home offices, laundry rooms, kitchens, wine cellars and more. We offer free in-home consultations and follow up our consultation with a free 3D CAD design. Contact us today!
The State Fair is over, the kids are back in school, and we’ve detected a slight chill in the air. This can only mean one thing, fall is on its way and soon after that (too soon for many of us Minnesotans!), winter will arrive. Is your garage ready for winter? Is there space for […]